Today’s Lunch Box/Bento (’09/17)


Today’s bento had a little “history” behind it.
To tell the truth, the Missus had gone to bed in a real bad temper the night before (why? Don’t ask me,…). So, Missus or not, I still need my bento (mind you, I could always buy it, but that would make things even worse!). So I cooked the rice myself. That seemed to appease the Missus (after all, if a man starts cooking, a Japanese wife feels pretty useless,…), and when I realized I hadn’t put enough water and came up with rice a bit too hard, she took over.
-“Don’t worry, I’ll fix it. I’ll make Oomuraisu/Omellette Rice!”
I’m not one to argue in such moments!


As for the garnish, she put some salad I had made the night before consisting of cut avocado, mango and pieces of broad beans (boiled) with a mixture of mayonnaise, Thai spicy sweet sauce, basil, parsley and Italian parsley on small leaves of chickory/endive. She added home-made chicken ham (chicken breast first boiled, then marinated overnight) with English chutney pickles, lettuce, tomatoes and walnuts.


She fried the rice with some bits of chicken ham, veg, ketchup and spice before envelopping it into a thin omelette!
With yogurt for dessert, it made for a big hearty meal!

Please check the new postings at:
sake, shochu and sushi


13 thoughts on “Today’s Lunch Box/Bento (’09/17)”

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  2. Hi Robert, thanks for popping by my blog!

    That’s a big hearty bento with an international flavor, if I may say so myself. I fell in with love omuraisu after watching the cult-movie Tampopo – the runny center of the omelet topping is just simply irresistible!


    1. Dear Elain!
      You are most welcome!
      The pity is that it is not easy in bento!
      I actually have written articles about it: look at “Pages”!
      Looking forward to sharing!


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